Heinäpään jalkapallohalli, Field Artificial turf
20.30 - 22.00

Availability list

Krusty the Clown Outdoor Fabric Sampsa Wreckshitmate Joonas the tank engine Taku Ali Bleach Bundee Florida Man Tiku
The Clutch Quiet Bulldozer Big French Wiener
Saucisson Pendejo A P Kalja Sarja Jääpelaaja Magic Mic Halpahalli Cheslin Kolbe The Wannabe Kiwi Antti H Jack B Santtu The Speed Bleed CODE RED Väinö P Saku

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Player 9 2
Coach 1 1
Contact person 0 0
Visitors 0
Total In 10 Out 3
Previous / Next In Out
Practice Thu, Jan 25 at 08:30 PM 7 6
Practice Mon, Jan 29 at 08:30 PM 11 3
Practice Thu, Feb 1 at 08:30 PM 10 3
Practice Mon, Feb 5 at 08:30 PM 8 6
Practice Thu, Feb 8 at 08:30 PM 5 8

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